Do's & Don'ts When Cooking Steaks

1.       Let your steak fully defrost before cooking.

    • Cooking steak while it's frozen or partially frozen can lead to uneven cooking and potential overcooking. Instead, ensure even cooking by safely defrosting your meat in the refrigerator overnight, allowing it to be ready for enjoyment the following day.

2.       Don’t let your steak rest at room temperature before cooking it.

    • Throwing a cold steak into a hot pan can decrease the pan's temperature. If the pan isn't sufficiently hot, you won't achieve the delightful crust desired for a fantastic steak.

3.       Don’t rinse your steak before cooking.

    • Rinsing your steak to remove bacteria is a common misconception, as it can actually increase the risk of contamination. Any bacteria present will be eliminated during the cooking process.

4.       Pat your steak dry first.

    • Be sure to always pat your steak with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture. Moisture can hinder the steak from developing an even crust.

5.       Don’t skimp on the seasoning.

    • Don't hesitate to be generous with salt and pepper, and remember to season all sides of the steak. While it might seem like a lot, it's the key to ensuring a flavorful and perfectly seasoned steak throughout.

6.       Don’t use a non-stick pan.

    • For optimal results, use either a stainless steel or cast iron pan.

7.       Pre-heat your pan.

    • Heat your pan for several minutes, or until you can feel the heat radiating off the surface when you hover your hand over it. This step is crucial to achieving that perfect crust.

8.       Don’t use olive oil.

    • Ensure you use an oil with a high smoke point, such as canola or vegetable oil. Avoid using olive oil, which has a lower smoke point and may start to burn at high temperatures.

9.       Don’t Over-Flip Your Steak.

    • Allow your steak to cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, flipping it only once. This technique promotes better caramelization or searing on the exterior and ensures more even cooking throughout.

10.   Don’t force flip your steak.

    • If the steak is sticking to the pan, it indicates that it's not yet ready to be flipped.

11.   Baste your steak.

    • For basting, simply add a couple of tablespoons of butter, along with some herbs like thyme and rosemary, and a peeled garlic clove to the pan. Tilt the pan and spoon the herb and garlic-infused butter over your steak for about a minute. This step adds a significant amount of flavor.

12.   Don’t cut into your steak right away.

    • Allow your steak to rest. This gives the juices within the steak time to settle.

13.   Slice your steak against the grain.

    • That's the key to achieving the tenderest slice of steak.